xSecuritas USB Safe Guard v2.1.0.4 Download Full

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  • Kategori: Tools & UtilitiesTools & Utilities
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  • Sistem: Windows
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    USD 0
  • Dilihat: 131
xSecuritas USB Safe Guard adalah software yang di rancang khusus untuk melindungi port USB anda dengan cara mengubahnya ke USB Secure yang di enkripsi agar lebih aman dan ini support untuk semua sistem operasi windows yang anda gunakan.

Features of xSecuritas USB Safe Guard

You can change the generic USB Hard Disk or USB Flash Disk to an encrypted secure USB.

A Secure USB is 5MB less than the normal USB size.

Option when creating secure USB.

  • Can set the read / write password and the read-only password respectively.
  • There is an option to use secure USB only when connected to the Internet.
  • You can set an expiration date.
  • You can set the number of expirations.
  • After expiration, you can automatically dispose of secure USB.
  • If you do not use your PC for a certain period of time while you are using secure USB, it will automatically shut down the secure USB.
  • If the password is wrong several times, you can automatically discard the secure USB.

The documents are hidden in a secure USB, which can be retrieved only by entering the password.

You can change the policy for this secure USB even after creating a secure USB.

If you lose your secure USB, you can automatically destroy this secure USB.

You can view logs for a secure USB in real time.

You can change the secure USB to generic USB. In this case, all contents of secure USB will be deleted.



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xSecuritas USB Safe Guard v2.1.0.4 Download Full

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