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Features of xSecuritas USB Safe Guard
You can change the generic USB Hard Disk or USB Flash Disk to an encrypted secure USB.
A Secure USB is 5MB less than the normal USB size.
Option when creating secure USB.
- Can set the read / write password and the read-only password respectively.
- There is an option to use secure USB only when connected to the Internet.
- You can set an expiration date.
- You can set the number of expirations.
- After expiration, you can automatically dispose of secure USB.
- If you do not use your PC for a certain period of time while you are using secure USB, it will automatically shut down the secure USB.
- If the password is wrong several times, you can automatically discard the secure USB.
The documents are hidden in a secure USB, which can be retrieved only by entering the password.
You can change the policy for this secure USB even after creating a secure USB.
If you lose your secure USB, you can automatically destroy this secure USB.
You can view logs for a secure USB in real time.
You can change the secure USB to generic USB. In this case, all contents of secure USB will be deleted.
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