- Diposting oleh:
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- Kategori: Windows, Windows 10Windows, Windows 10
- Versi: ROG Edition
- Sistem: Windows 10
- Pengembang: Microsoft
- Harga:
USD 0 - Dilihat: 186
Ini merupakan OS Windows 10 terbaru yang siap anda install dan tidak perlu lagi untuk melakukan proses aktivasi, jika anda mau anda dapat download dan jadikan OS ini sebagai OS utama anda.
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Hello sorry for the inconvenience I wanted to ask if the windows 10 rog V6 comes in iso? And how can I change it to Spanish since it comes in English? , I am Latin American and I don’t know English !!!! This message was translated by Google
Yes, it’s .iso file! and this version is the only for en-us
hello thanks for answering !!! Sorry, I have another question. How do I change the language?
You can change it from the menu installation