UsbTrace Free Download v3.0.1.82 Download Full

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  • Kategori: Tools & UtilitiesTools & Utilities
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  • Sistem: Windows
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  • Dilihat: 124
Usbtrace adalah software untuk menganalisis perangkat usb anda dan mengekstrak dan membersihkan data yang terdapat pada usb. Aplikasi ini mendukung usb 1×2.0 tanpa masalah dan kesalahan. Jadi aplikais ini berguna untuk mengidentifikasi USB jika terdapat kesalahan ataupun virus yang ada di dalamnya.

Fitur UsbTrace

  • Easy to use
    USBTrace is an easy-to-use USB protocol analyzer. To analyze a USB device, just select the device and click the ‘capture’ button.
  • Sniffs USB requests at all levels
    With USBTrace you can analyze USB protocol traffic at USB Host Controllers, USB Hubs and USB devices. The tool captures and displays USB Control, Bulk, Interrupt & Isochronous transfers.
  • Displays detailed device information
    USBTrace decodes and displays both standard and class specific USB descriptors (Device, Hub, Configuration, Interface, Endpoint, Class Specific, IAD, String) and Windows enumeration information.
  • USBTrace does not use any filter drivers
    Unlike other software based USB analyzers, USBTrace does not use any filter driver to capture the USB requests. So USBTrace will not disturb/slow down the PnP system due to its presence.
  • Define your own data decoding templates in XML
    In addition to automatically decoding standard/class specific USB requests/descriptors USBTrace also lets you define custom templates for decoding data buffer of requests in XML.
  • Supports device class decoding / Write your own vendor specific class decoder
    USBTrace can decode class specific usb descriptors/requests and display detailed information regarding them. The classes currently supported are Hub, HID, Mass Storage, Bluetooth, Wireless USB HWA, Still Image Capture, Printer, Audio, Video, Smart Card, Vendor specific device class etc. Read more about USB device class decoding
  • Export Captured Data & Detailed Device Information
    Captured data can be exported as HTML, XML, Text or CSV reports. Detailed device information can also be exported. This feature will help you to document the device behavior as well as to share the captured data/device details in an easily readable form with others.


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