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- Kategori: Tools & UtilitiesTools & Utilities
- Versi: 3.57
- Sistem: Windows
- Harga:
USD 0 - Dilihat: 100
Unreal Commander adalah software yang dirancang khusus sebagai pengganti Windows Explorer, ini memiliki dua panel dalam satu jendela yang mana memungkinkan anda mengelola semua file anda dengan lebih mudah dan efektif.
Features of Unreal Commander
- Two-panel interface
- UNICODE support
- Extended search of files
- Multi-rename tool
- Synchronization of directories
- Support of archives ZIP, 7Z, RAR, CAB, WIM, TAR, GZ, TGZ, BZ2, TBZ2, LHA, ARJ
- Built-in FTP client
- Thumbnail mode
- Folder tabs
- Support of WLX/WCX/WDX plugins
- Build-in viewer and quick view function
- Network support
- Drag and Drop Support
- History and Hotlist functions
- Copy/move/delete files background mode support
- Deleting files with WIPE
- Background pictures support
- Visual styles: color categories of files, fonts for all interface elements
- and more.
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