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- Kategori: Graphics & DesignGraphics & Design
- Versi: 10
- Sistem: Windows
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USD 0 - Dilihat: 124
Features of SuperPro Designer
- Models for over 140 unit procedures / operations.
- Rigorous reactor modules.
- Material and energy balances.
- Extensive chemical component and mixture database.
- Extensive equipment and resource databases.
- Equipment sizing and costing.
- Thorough process economics.
- Scheduling of batch operations.
- Throughput Analysis and Debottlenecking.
- Resource (utilities, raw materials, and labor) tracking as a function of time.
- Waste stream characterization.
- Environmental impact assessment
- OLE-2 support.
- PFD customization through addition of your own graphics and text.
- Compatibility with a variety of graphics, spreadsheet, and word processing packages.
- Option to export PFDs in DXF format (for incorporation into AutoCAD) and in WMF format.
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