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- Kategori: MultimediaMultimedia
- Versi: 3.5.12
- Sistem: Windows
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USD 0 - Dilihat: 105
Features of Subtitle Edit
- Create/adjust/sync/translate subtitle lines
- Convert between SubRib, MicroDVD, Advanced Sub Station Alpha, Sub Station Alpha, D-Cinema, SAMI, youtube sbv, and many more (150+ different formats!)
- Cool audio visualizer control – can display wave form and/or spectrogram
- Video player uses DirectShow, VLC media player, or MPlayer
- Visually sync/adjust a subtitle (start/end position and speed)
- Auto Translation via Google translate
- Rip subtitles from a (decrypted) dvd
- Import and OCR VobSub sub/idx binary subtitles (can use Tesseract)
- Import and OCR Blu-ray .sup files (can use Tesseract – bd sup reading is based on Java code from BDSup2Sub by 0xdeadbeef)
- Can open subtitles embedded inside matroska files
- Can open subtitles (text, closed captions, vobsub) embedded inside mp4/mv4 files
- Can open/OCR XSub subtitles embedded inside divx/avi files
- Can read and write both UTF-8 and other unicode files and ANSI (support for all languages/encodings on the pc!)
- Sync: Show texts earlier/later + point synchronization + synchronization via other subtitle
- Merge/split subtitles
- Adjust display time
- Fix common errors wizard
- Spell checking via Open Office dictionaries/NHunspell (many dictionaries available)
- Remove text for hear impaired (HI)
- Renumbering
- Swedish to Danish translation built-in (via Multi Translator Online)
- Effects: Typewriter and karaoke
- History/undo manager (Undo=Ctrl+z, Redo=Ctrl+y)
- Compare subtitles
- Multiple search and replace
- Change casing using names dictionary
- Merge short lines/split long lines
- Export to PNG images (+bdn xml), Adobe Encore FAB image script, VobSub, Blu-ray sup, EBU stl, PAC, and plain text
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