PGWare Throttle 8 Free Download Full

  • Diposting oleh:
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  • Kategori: NetworkNetwork
  • Versi: 8
  • Sistem: Windows
  • Harga:
    USD 0
  • Dilihat: 118
PGWare Throttle dirancang khusus untuk dapat meningkatkan kecepatan internet anda sehingga anda dapat browsing dan download dengan lebih cepat bahkan saat anda bermain game online anda tidak akan menemukan lag, crash, lemot dan sebagainya karena jaringan internet anda akan dioptimasi dengan sangat maksimal melalui program ini.

Features of PGWare Throttle 8

  • Compatible with Microsoft Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP & Windows Server 2012, 2008, 2003. 32-BIT/64-BIT ready.
  • Instantly increases the speed of your internet making downloads faster, surfing the web faster and playing online games without lag.
  • Increases the speed of all internet connection types such as Cable, DSL, U-Verse, Fios and dial-up satellite and mobile phone (2G/3G/4G).
  • Saves you money by maximizing your current internet connection without having to upgrade to a higher package with your ISP.
  • Easy to use software that allows you to make permanent changes to your computer and modem with a single click.
  • Playing online multiplayer games is now a lag-free experience due to many of the settings Throttle makes to the computer.
  • New and improved modern user interface, easy and intuitive to use and compliant with Windows user interface guidelines.
  • Software updates can be downloaded and installed directly from inside the application without having to visit our web site.


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PGWare Throttle 8 Free Download Full

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