Paragon Linux File Systems for Windows v5.1.1015 Download Full

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  • Kategori: Tools & UtilitiesTools & Utilities
  • Versi: 5.1.1015
  • Sistem: Windows
  • Harga:
    USD 0
  • Dilihat: 132
Paragon Linux File Systems for Windows adalah aplikasi untuk mengelola partsi ExtFS window untuk linux. Ini dirancang khusus untuk anda yang perlu mengakses data di partisi Ext2 / Ext3 / Ext4 dari komputer berbasis Windows bahkan mampu mengimpor atau mengekspor dokumen dan semua jenis file lainnya dari partisi ExtFS.

Fitur Paragon Linux File System For Windows

Supported File Systems

  • Read/write: Ext2, Ext3, Ext4
  • Read-only: Btrfs, XFS

Write Access
When ExtFS volume is mounted in write mode, you can do everything with files and folders it contains: read, edit, delete, rename, create new.

Mounts supported volumes automatically at startup, so you don’t need to bother about it each time you restart the operating system or power your computer on. However, this feature can be disabled at any moment in the program interface.

Volume Administration
Formats, checks integrity, and repairs corrupted ExtFS volumes with minimal effort.

Supports all character sets supported by your operating systems, including those that use non-Roman characters, so you will never face a problem of not getting access to file names on volumes mounted in non-native OS.

Read/write support for LVM (Logical Volume Management)
With Linux File Systems for Windows by Paragon Software, your Linux’s logical volume manager won’t lose any of its functions: it will be able to perform open, close, read and write operations and, in general, operate in a usual way.

Command Line Interface
Get full control over Linux File Systems for Windows by Paragon Software via a command line.

Compatibility with 3rd party software
Since product provides access to Linux volumes globally to the entire operating system, you can use most desktop and encryption applications, including TrueCrypt and its forks* (encrypted file container mode only).



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Paragon Linux File Systems for Windows v5.1.1015 Download Full

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