OpenCanvas v7.0.25 Free Download Full

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  • Kategori: Multimedia, Photo EditorMultimedia, Photo Editor
  • Versi: 7.0.25
  • Sistem: Windows
  • Harga:
    USD 0
  • Dilihat: 149
OpenCanvas adalah software yang dapat anda gunakan untuk mengedit foto anda, software ini hampir mirip dengan software adobe photoshop tetapi software ini ukurannya lebih ringan sehingga tidak memberatkan PC anda. Anda dapat menambah kecerahan pada foto anda, blur, contrast dan beberapa tools lainnya yang dapat anda gunakan untuk memperindah foto anda.

Features of OpenCanvas

Make creating an illustration more fun

openCanvas is a painting software dedicated to Windows Operating System, that is suitable to beginners to advanced users.

Equipped with analog-like brush strokes and functional yet user-friendly interface, openCanvas has the higher basic performance and the unique “Event” function that enables to record and replay the drawing procedure.

Various functions and excellent performance of openCanvas strongly support visualizing your creativity. Enjoy creating an illustration with openCanvas!

Brushes enabling the various expressions

openCanvas7 is equipped with the refurbished, improved brush engine that enables even more various expressions. openCanvas brush option offers pencil, pen, watercolor, air brush, and more that enables to create various unique expressions. There are more than 150 types of default brush preset. A brush can be customized freely so that you can create and save your own brush.

TabletPC Function Support

Pen pressure (*1) and multi-touch gesture (*2) are available in TabletPC. It will make you feel like drawing on paper and let you control canvas intuitively.

  • 1. Only with the pen pressure supported device.
  • 2. Only with the multi-touch supported device.

Refurbished User Interface Design

The theme color and icons has been refurbished, and which offers the user-friendly User Interface design.There are other convenient tools such as Hand Control and Shortcut Control.

Event Function

Equipped with “Event Tool” that enables you to record and replay a drawing process. An event file enables you to add and edit your work easily from any point and also lets you create a GIF animation.



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OpenCanvas v7.0.25 Free Download Full

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