MaxDataGenius Pro v1.9.6.22 Free Download Full

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  • Kategori: Tools & UtilitiesTools & Utilities
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  • Sistem: Windows
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  • Dilihat: 230
MaxDataGenius Pro adalah software utility yang dirancang khusus untuk dapat membantu anda mengembalikan data yang terhapus akibat tak disengaja, sistem crash, windows error, virus dan berbagai hal lainnya, ini sangat mudah anda gunakan dan juga memiliki ukuran yang cukup ringan untuk semua sistem operasi windows.

Features of MaxDataGenius Pro

MaxDataGenius saves your data from different data loss crisis

  • Accidential deletion, virus attack, device failure – can recover lost or deleted files, even if deleted from recycle bin, and can use a so called ‘RAW’ file system feature to detect files by ‘footprints’
  • Formatted, system crash, hard drive failure, device failure – can unformat a partition or disk with heavy logical damages, or if formatted with different file systems – can recover from corrupt boot sectors, corrupt file system structures etc.
  • Partition loss – can recover from lost boot sectors, corrupt partition tables, corrupt logical disk manager etc.

MaxDataGenius supports all kind of media

  • flash media like USB thumb disks, SD cards etc.
  • digital cameras, media players, phones etc. (must be appear as a volume or disk on your computer to work)
  • optical media like CD, DVD etc.
  • hard drives (including SSD)
  • RAID drives: RAID0, RAID5 and combinations (e.g. RAID50 etc.), JBOD – must appear as physical or logical disks on your computer to work) – software includes RAID reconstruction for broken RAID disks

MaxDataGenius supports all kind of file systems

  • FAT12/16/32  (mainly used on flash cards, hard disks etc.)
  • exFAT  (mainly used on flash cards)
  • NTFS  (used on PC hard drives)
  • CDFS/ISO9660  (used on optical media)
  • HFS+  (used on Mac hard drives)
  • ext2/3/4, ReiserFS, JFS (mainly used on Linux systems)
  • RAW (means it recovers without any file system by scanning for ‘foot prints’ of your lost files)
  • LDM (can recover from damaged Windows logical disk manager)
  • VMDK (VMWare flat or sparse virtual disk image files, incl. snapshots and extents)
  • ReFS (used on  Win2012 server and Win8)
  • UFS/XFS/ZFS (mainly used on Unix and Linux systems)

MaxDataGenius has unique additional features

  • RAID reconstruction: select individual disks of a broken RAID system (JBOD, RAID0, RAID5 and combinations like RAID50 etc.) and reconstruct the RAID system for data recovery with a mouse-click
  • Browse native and foreign file systems: browse file systems not available on your computer! (for example browse HFS+ or Linux volumes on your PC)
  • Wipe data: securely wipe individual files
  • Disk diagnostics: analyze media to detect bad blocks, show disk usage etc.
  • Disk tools: create/restore disk image files, direct disk-to-disk copy, securely wipe unused space, wipe entire disks, hex view etc.
  • Refresh disk: Safely verify and rewrite all media blocks to increase data endurance


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MaxDataGenius Pro v1.9.6.22 Free Download Full

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