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- Category: Web & ProgramingWeb & Programing
- Version: 2022.1.4
- System: Windows
- Developer: JetBrains s.r.o.
- Price:
USD 0 - Views: 183
JetBrains DataGrip is a software specifically designed to manage databases and develop your SQL server. It is a multi-engine database application that you can rely on as it supports MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, DB2, MariaDB, MongoDB, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sybase, HyperSQL, Apache Derby, H2 and many more.
It is a powerful database that you can utilize to perform development and incorporate a large number of complex functions in addition to being integrated with an (IDE) that allows you to connect with multiple databases at once, find and consolidate them according to your needs.
JetBrains DataGrip Features
- Advanced utility tools that can increase productivity levels
- Allows you to send questions in different modes
- Generates a local history that tracks all activities and protects important user data
- Empower users to review, or perform procedures on their behalf
- Performs the corresponding action directly from its use in SQL code
- Gives users a comprehensive insight into how queries work and into the database
- Makes queries look more well-organized