Abelssoft MovieCut v5.1 Download Full

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  • Kategori: Video EditorVideo Editor
  • Versi: 5.1
  • Sistem: Windows
  • Harga:
    USD 0
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Abelssoft MovieCut adalah software yang dapat anda gunakan untuk mengedit video sama seperti seorang professional, ini dirancang khusus untuk siapa saja yang mau mengedit video dengan cara yang lebih mudah dan cepat bahkan software ini dibuat dengan ukuran yang sangat ringan agar dapat berjalan di PC/komputer yang mempunyai spesifikasi rendah jadi untuk anda yang sedang mencari software edit video yang ringan maka Abelssoft MovieCut ini dapat anda gunakan.

Fitur dari software MovieCut ini juga cukup banyak selain itu memiliki tampilan antarmuka yang mudah dipahami sekalipun bagi anda yang masih pemula. Software ini mendukung semua jenis format video yang dapat di edit (Mp4, FLV, MPEG, MKV, AVI, dan fjormat video populer lainnya. Jika anda mau anda dapat mendownloadnya disini untuk itu langsung saja download !

Features of MovieCut

  • Easy as ABC
    Of course MovieCut considers the typical Abelssoft-promise to create professional results with just a few clicks. The great work of our design team makes this possible by keeping the user interface simple and clean, yet provide powerful features. Where other programs might confuse you with too many buttons to press, we like to remove all this unnecessary clutter and leave you with exactly what you need.
  • Support for many video formats
    Many programs are only able to play a few video formats. This makes frustration inevitable. MovieCut was developed to eliminate this frustration. It supports all common video formats and lets you handle your recorded videos with ease.
  • Useful Effects and Filters
    You want to share your fancy new video with the rest of the world? MovieCut takes care of that as well, apart from the classic export you can upload the video to YouTube. With just one click
  • Publish your video on YouTube
    You want to share your fancy new video with the rest of the world? MovieCut takes care of that as well, apart from the classic export you can upload the video to YouTube. With just one click!


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Abelssoft MovieCut v5.1 Download Full

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