Nemetschek SCIA Engineer 2019 v19.1 Free Download Full

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  • Kategori: Graphics & DesignGraphics & Design
  • Versi: 19.1
  • Sistem: Windows
  • Harga:
    USD 0
  • Dilihat: 248
Nemetschek SCIA Engineer dapat anda gunakan untuk merancang dan mendesain bangunan, jembatan, lapangan konser dan lain-lainnya dengan dukungan fitur terlengkap. Program designer ini merupakan Modeling, Structural Analysis, Design dan Reporting yang sangat powerfull dan dapat anda gunakan untuk meningkatkan keutuhan dan kekuatan suatu bangunan secara akurat.

Jika anda seorang arsitek maka software ini sangat bermanfaat dan dapat direkomendasikan bagi anda untuk merancang proyek anda menjadi lebih baik dengan dukungan teknologi canggih dari software Nemetschek SCIA Engineer ini.

Features of Nemetschek SCIA Engineer

BIM-like Modeling

SCIA Engineer provides an intuitive way to work with structural objects. Unlike traditional software tools where you need to work with individual nodes and finite elements, SCIA Engineer allows you to define members with just one click or sketch complex curved shells just as easily as in today’s CAD and BIM authoring tools.

Curved Shapes

Curved beams and shells with constant or variable thickness, can all be easily defined through the modification of simple properties.  Additionally, intersections between surfaces can be automatically generated and used as a basis to create cut-outs. This makes it easy to model complex geometry compared to more traditional finite element design tools.

Grids & Stories

To facilitate the modeling of buildings and frames, SCIA Engineer comes with a wide range of 2D and 3D Grids:

  • Cartesian
  • Oblique
  • Cylindrical
  • Spherical
  • Arbitrary (Free) grid lines

Any number of grids can be used in the project, activated or deactivated, and freely rotated.

In the case of multi-story buildings, Stories will enable you to better navigate your model, quickly switch from one floor to another and to visualize results per floor.

Powerful Filtering & Selection Tools

All structural objects and additional data can be easily accessed via a number of filtering and selection tools, removing the dependancy on navigation within the 3D environment:

  • By selecting a single item, one can easily filter all other items in the model that share a similar property.
  • Work with just a portion of a project active on screen. This filtering can be done based on layers in the model, on proximity to workplanes, on clipping boxes, etc.
  • Selected elements can be saved, edited and reused at another time.

Table Input

When modeling a project in a 3D atmosphere may not be the most efficient, the table input can be used as a straight forward way to create geometry.  Some of the features included in the table input are:

  • Input for most of SCIA Engineer’s structural elements, loads and libraries
  • Import large data sets or functions from Excel
  • Filtering and sorting tools allow for the parsing of data
  • Link between table input and graphical window, so individual selections are easily identified
  • Support for parametrics and keyboard shortcuts

Parametric Modelling

Parametric modelling allows users to actively adapt the model in order to quickly create design iterations of either repetitive or complex structures.  Parametric models are generated by establishing parameters, which can include any model element or property (coordinates, dimensions, cross-sections, materials, loads, etc.).

Finally, parametric templates can be established in order to allow users to create or modify projects by utilizing predefined objects, thus creating great efficiency in the modeling process.

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Nemetschek SCIA Engineer 2019 v19.1 Free Download Full

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