Topaz Sharpen AI 4.1.0 Full

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  • Kategori: Photo EditorPhoto Editor
  • Versi: 4.1.0
  • Sistem: Windows
  • Pengembang: Topaz Labs
  • Harga:
    USD 0
  • Dilihat: 251

Topaz Sharpen merupakan software yang dirancang agar dapat membantu anda mempertajam gambar anda dan memberikan kualitas gambar yang sempurna. Ini mudah untuk anda gunakan berfungsi sebagai software edit foto yang benar-benar handal untuk menangani semua permasalahan fotografer.

Masalah foto anda buram, tak jelas, kualitas rendah! anda tidak perlu khawatir karena dengan Topaz Sharpen AI ini anda dapat membuat foto anda terlihat sangat jelas, berkualitas dan jauh lebih baik dari bawaan originalnya.

Features of Topaz Sharpen AI

  • Stabilize: Natural shake reduction
    Even the steadiest hands don’t compare to a tripod when it comes to image sharpness. Unlike a tripod, though, you always have your hands with you! Sharpen AI’s Stabilize module has been trained to reverse motion blur and make handheld images look like they were taken from a tripod.
  • Focus: Better focus correction
    Focus correction is a notoriously difficult problem that’s easy to get wrong, but Sharpen AI’s Focus module excels at correct up to ten pixels of focus blur. This is perfect for sharpening out-of-focus eyes or correct issues caused by incorrect in-camera focus. Tip: use selective adjustments for best results!
  • Sharpen: General input sharpening
    Even with no motion blur or focus issues, images generally come out of the camera soft. Sharpen AI includes the Sharpen module that specializes in correcting small amounts of general softness without any artifacts or halos. It’s the most natural-looking sharpening tool that you will ever use.
  • And much more!

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Topaz Sharpen AI 4.1.0 Full

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